Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What's Normal??

The home place is not normal tonight - there's just me and some animals since family is gone until tomorrow.  It is a good evening to dress up and try out a new wig and body shaper that I have gotten recently.  I like them both and have enjoyed the opportunity to get fancy and spend a few hours in LeeLee's world.

I also spent some time reading in Vanessa's blog (Cross Dresser Heaven) about her thoughts on Amy Bloom's book, Normal.  Vanessa remarks how the author is dissing the heterosexual crossdresser as lacking the courage to act on their TG desires.  Frankly, imho, the author has no clue as to what goes on in our minds.  I'm not looking for a gender change.  I want only the opportunity to let my inner female loose for a while.  She's been penned up and repressed for a long time.  Now that I've found her, I want to nurture her and give her the chance to grow some.  Is that normal??  Absolutely it is normal for me.

I gave up a long time ago trying to define normal for those around me.  Frankly, I have come to believe that normal is and by rights needs to be a personal decision.  My normal is my normal and you can't go judging me by the standards of your normal.

My friend and mentor, Mistress S., wrote recently about a bad experience with someone who tried to define her by his wishes.  That's abusive in the purest fashion.  So for the "normal" folks out there, don't mess around with me or judge me as you think I should be.  If you can't accept that my normal is what it is, get the F*** out of my space!!

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