This morning was LeeLee's debut. Butterflies don't begin to describe what was going on inside as I began dressing. The makeup went on pretty well - nothing fancy today and definitely no mascara to glob on me. If you've heard people say their heart was pounding, that is where I was at by the time I got to the lipstick. Maybe the tympani solo in the 1812 Overture would be more fitting! Trembling hands were in there too. Twice I was sure I could clean me up and put on my guy clothes and still get there in time. But I persisted - wig, black knee highs, jeans, slip-on wedges and an off-white tunic. LeeLee was in the house, dressed and looking pretty good but she had to get her butt out of the house now.
Opening the front door (no one in sight) and trying to walk casually to the driveway seemed easy enough since my heart was still beating in cut time to pace me. OK, that's good so far, but drive out of the neighborhood the back way where no one would recognize the car if they happened to be out. So far, so good I think, I'm on the highway now. But wait, the cars and trucks are going to pass me!! EEK!!! I thinks. Judiciously varying my speed as they pass by and learning that hair twirling can be useful in remaining undercover I make it into town.
CRAP!! Stoplights and construction traffic merges and people walking by only a few feet away. Twirl the hair some more - careful don't pull the wig off. WHEW!! There's a parking place right near the door to Mistress's building. WHOOPS, she's not quite ready and it's raining and there are 3 contractor guys loading pallets into Volvos. Twirl hair, pull down the visor, put on some more lipgloss, twirl hair. Finally they pull away. Mistress appears at the door (in very cool pink knee socks which I'd love to have) and I casually power walk across the street to safety!
All in all an incredible montage of exhilaration, terror and satisfaction. What a rush!!! Still I'm not not looking to pass, just sneak by! :)